Browse by research area

  1. InteGrid: InteGrid - Demonstration of smart grid, storage and system integration technologies with increasing share of renewables: distribution system

    Bögel, P. M., Escudero Guirado, C., Valor, C., Giersiepen, A. N., Koronen, C., Mäkivierikko, A., Nilsson, A. E. & Shahrokni, H.


    Project: Research

  2. American Studies Blog VI

    Schmidt, T.


    Project: Other

  3. Promotionsstipendium

    Mahdavipour, B. & Oberrath, J.


    Project: Research

  4. SchiWa: Schule im Wandel

    Feldhoff, T., Klieme, E., Reh, S., Dohrmann, J., Löwe, D., Steinert, B., Wurster, S., Mattes, M. & Schmid, C.

    01.07.13 → …

    Project: Research