Vicky Temperton

Prof. Dr.

  1. Published

    Barley shoot biomass responds strongly to N:P stoichiometry and intraspecific competition, whereas roots only alter their foraging

    Kumar, A., van Duijnen, R., Delory, B., Reichel, R., Brüggemann, N. & Temperton, V. M., 01.08.2020, In: Plant and Soil. 453, 1-2, p. 515-528 14 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  2. Published

    Phosphorus uptake from struvite is modulated by the nitrogen form applied

    Robles-Aguilar, A. A., Schrey, S. D., Postma, J. A., Temperton, V. M. & Jablonowski, N. D., 01.02.2020, In: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 183, 1, p. 80-90 11 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  3. Published

    Comment on "The global tree restoration potential"

    Veldman, J. W., Aleman, J. C., Alvarado, S. T., Anderson, T. M., Archibald, S., Bond, W. J., Boutton, T. W., Buchmann, N., Buisson, E., Canadell, J. G., de Sá Dechoum, M., Diaz-Toribio, M. H., Durigan, G., Ewel, J. J., Fernandes, G. W., Fidelis, A., Fleischman, F., Good, S. P., Griffith, D. M., Hermann, J.-M., Hoffmann, W. A., Le Stradic, S., Lehmann, C. E. R., Mahy, G., Nerlekar, A. N., Nippert, J. B., Noss, R. F., Osborne, C. P., Overbeck, G. E., Parr, C. L., Pausas, J. G., Pennington, R. T., Perring, M. P., Putz, F. E., Ratnam, J., Sankaran, M., Schmidt, I. B., Schmitt, C. B., Silveira, F. A. O., Staver, A. C., Stevens, N., Still, C. J., Strömberg, C. A. E., Temperton, V. M., Varner, J. M. & Zaloumis, N. P., 18.10.2019, In: Science. 366, 6463, 4 p., 7976.

    Research output: Journal contributionsComments / Debate / ReportsResearch

  4. Published

    The exotic species Senecio inaequidens pays the price for arriving late in temperate European grassland communities

    Delory, B. M., Weidlich, E. W. A., Kunz, M., Neitzel, J. & Temperton, V. M., 01.11.2019, In: Oecologia. 191, 3, p. 657-671 15 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    When history matters: The overlooked role of priority effects in grassland overyielding

    Delory, B., Weidlich, E. W. A., von Gillhaussen, P. & Temperton, V. M., 12.2019, In: Functional Ecology. 33, 12, p. 2369-2380 12 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    Maize silage digestate application affecting germination and early growth of maize modulated by soil type

    Robles-Aguilar, A. A., Temperton, V. M. & Jablonowski, N. D., 20.08.2019, In: Agronomy. 9, 8, 15 p., 473.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    Transferring biodiversity-ecosystem function research to the management of ‘real-world’ ecosystems

    Manning, P., Loos, J., Barnes, A. D., Batáry, P., Bianchi, F. J. J. A., Buchmann, N., De Deyn, G. B., Ebeling, A., Eisenhauer, N., Fischer, M., Fründ, J., Grass, I., Isselstein, J., Jochum, M., Klein, A. M., Klingenberg, E. O. F., Landis, D. A., Lepš, J., Lindborg, R., Meyer, S. T., Temperton, V. M., Westphal, C. & Tscharntke, T., 01.01.2019, Mechanisms underlying the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function. Eisenhauer, N., Bohan, D. A. & Dumbrell, A. J. (eds.). London: Academic Press Inc., p. 323-356 34 p. (Advances in Ecological Research; vol. 61).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapterpeer-review

  8. Published

    Step back from the forest and step up to the Bonn Challenge: How a broad ecological perspective can promote successful landscape restoration

    Temperton, V. M., Buchmann, N., Buisson, E., Durigan, G., Kazmierczak, L., Perring, M. P., de Sá Dechoum, M., Veldman, J. W. & Overbeck, G. E., 01.07.2019, In: Restoration Ecology. 27, 4, p. 705-719 15 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    Tomato plants rather than fertilizers drive microbial community structure in horticultural growing media

    Grunert, O., Robles Aguilar, A. A., Hernandez-Sanabria, E., Schrey, S., Reheul, D., Van Labeke, M.-C., Vlaeminck, S. E., Vandekerckhove, T. G. L., Mysara, M., Monsieurs, P., Temperton, V., Boon, N. & Jablonowski, N., 01.12.2019, In: Scientific Reports. 9, 1, 15 p., 9561 .

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    Nitrogen fixation and carbon assimilation of the desert legume Tephrosia apollinea under PEG-induced osmotic stress

    Hussain, M. I., El-Keblawy, A., Aljabi, A. E., Aljabi, D. E., Hafez, M., Al Jasmi, A., Schampoel, T. & Temperton, V. M., 02.2019, In: Flora. 251, p. 105-113 9 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

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