Marie-Lena Frech

Dr. Marie-Lena Frech
- Management studies
- Psychology
Research areas
1 - 7 out of 7Page size: 10
- 2024
- Published
Correction: The Open Anchoring Quest Dataset: Anchored Estimates from 96 Studies on Anchoring Effects (Journal of Open Psychology Data, (2022), 10, 1, (16), 10.5334/jopd.67)
Röseler, L., Weber, L., Helgerth, K., Stich, E., Günther, M., Tegethoff, P., Wagner, F. S., Ambrus, E., Antunovic, M., Barrera-Lemarchand, F., Halali, E., Ioannidis, K., Genschow, O., McKay, R., Milstein, N., Molden, D. C., Papenmeier, F., Pavlovic, Z., Rinn, R., Schreiter, M. L., Zimdahl, M. F., Allen, E., Bahník, Š., Bermeitinger, C., Blower, F. B. N., Bögler, H. L., Burgmer, P., Cheek, N. N., Dorsch, L., Fels, S. A., Frech, M. L., Freira, L., Harris, A. J. L., Hartig, B., Häusser, J. A., Hedgebeth, M. V., Henkel, M., Horvath, D., Imhoff, R., Intelmann, P., Klamar, A., Knappe, E., Köppel, L.-M. A., Krueger, S. M., Lagator, S., Bóo, F. L., Navajas, J., Norem, J. K., Novak, J., Onuki, Y., Page, E., Pearton, J., Ponader, S., Rebholz, T. R., Rostekova, A., Sartorio, M., Schindler, S., Seida, C., Shanks, D. R., Siems, M. C., Speekenbrink, M., Stäglich, P., Starkulla, M., Stitz, M., Straube, T., Thies, K., Thum, E., Ueda, K., Undorf, M., Urlichich, D., Vadillo, M. A., Wolf, A. H., Zhou, A. & Schütz, A., 23.08.2024, In: Journal of Open Psychology Data. 12, 1, 3 p., 8.Research output: Journal contributions › Comments / Debate / Reports › Research
- 2022
- Published
The Open Anchoring Quest Dataset: Anchored Estimates from 96 Studies on Anchoring Effects
Röseler, L., Weber, L., Helgerth, K., Stich, E., Günther, M., Tegethoff, P., Wagner, F., Antunovic, M., Barrera-Lemarchand, F., Halali, E., Ioannidis, K., Genschow, O., Milstein, N., Molden, D. C., Papenmeier, F., Pavlovic, Z., Rinn, R., Schreiter, M. L., Zimdahl, M. F., Bahník, Š., Bermeitinger, C., Blower, F. B. N., Bögler, H. L., Burgmer, P., Cheek, N. N., Dorsch, L., Fels, S., Frech, M.-L., Freira, L., Harris, A. J. L., Häusser, J. A., Hedgebeth, M. V., Henkel, M., Horvath, D., Intelmann, P., Klamar, A., Knappe, E., Köppel, L.-M. A., Krueger, S. M., Lagator, S., Lopez-Boo, F., Navajas, J., Norem, J. K., Novak, J., Onuki, Y., Page, E., Rebholz, T. R., Sartorio, M., Shanks, D. R., Siems, M. C., Stäglich, P., Starkulla, M., Stitz, M., Straube, T., Thies, K., Thum, E., Ueda, K., Undorf, M., Urlichich, D., Vadillo, M. A., Wolf, H., Zhou, A., Schütz, A. & Schindler, S., 26.10.2022, In: Journal of Open Psychology Data. 10, 1, 12 p., 16.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Anchoring and Sleep Inertia: Sleep Inertia during Nighttime Awakening Does Not Magnify the Anchoring Bias
Frech, M.-L., Häusser, J. A., Siems, M. C. & Loschelder, D. D., 01.05.2022, In: Experimental Psychology. 69, 3, p. 146-154 9 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
“My Goal Is to Lose 2.923 kg!”—Efficacy of Precise Versus Round Goals for Body Weight Reduction
Frech, M. L., Friese, M. & Loschelder, D. D., 07.02.2022, In: Frontiers in Psychology. 13, 12 p., 793962.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- 2021
- Published
Thiée, L.-W., Petrowsky, H. M., Frech, M.-L., Loschelder, D. D. & Funk, B., 11.05.2021, ECIS 2021 Proceedings: Human Values Crisis in a Digitizing World. A. F. I. S. (ed.). AIS eLibrary, 1655Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Article in conference proceedings › Research › peer-review
- 2020
- Published
How attribution-of-competence and scale-granularity explain the anchor precision effect in negotiations and estimations.
Frech, M.-L., Loschelder, D. D. & Friese, M., 2020, In: Social Cognition. 38, 1, p. 40-61 22 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- 2019
- Published
How and Why Different Forms of Expertise Moderate Anchor Precision in Price Decisions: A Pre-Registered Field Experiment
Frech, M.-L., Loschelder, D. D. & Friese, M., 03.2019, In: Experimental Psychology. 66, 2, p. 165-175 11 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review