The Future Centre of Teacher Education
Organisational unit: Institute
Organisation profile
The Future Centre of Teacher Education (Zukunftszentrum Lehrkräftebildung ZZL) is a research centre at Leuphana University Lüneburg. With a view to social change and future challenges, Leuphana University Lüneburg is constantly engaged in improving the training of prospective teachers. ZZL plays an innovative and coordinating role in the process. The centre structures, analyses, and continuously develops existing and new initiatives.
In line with the universities' third mission, the Future Center for Teacher Education is particularly keen to improve the knowledge transfer between the university and the region through projects, events and initiatives that interlink theory and practice.
Ahlers, Michael
Prof. Dr.
- Professorship for Music Education, in Particular Popular Music - Professor
- The Future Centre of Teacher Education - Associated member
Person: Academic staff
Kleinknecht, Marc
Prof. Dr.
- Professorship for Teacher Education and School Development - Professor
- The Future Centre of Teacher Education - Associated member
Person: Academic staff
Schiemann, Stephan
Prof. Dr.
- Professorship for Sport Science - Professor
- The Future Centre of Teacher Education - Associated member
Person: Academic staff
Süßenbach, Jessica
Prof. Dr.
- Professorship for Sport Pedagogy and Sport Science - Professor
- The Future Centre of Teacher Education - Associated member
Person: Academic staff