Center for empirical Research on Language and Education (ERLE)
Organisational unit: Institute
Organisation profile
The newly founded research centre “Empirical Research on Language and Education (ERLE)”, offers an innovative research environment for interdisciplinary exchange on research in the field of language and education. ERLE focusses on basic research in the area of language and education in school- and teaching-related contexts with a particular emphasis on the question how students’ learning is affected by language factors. Within this framework, professors, post-docs, and doctoral candidates at the Leuphana University Lueneburg pursue the development and conceptualization of a structured empirical research programme in this research area.
Main research areas
The research projects in ERLE (Empirical Research on Language and Education) focus on empirical research in the field of “language and education” and in particular on questions concerning the interdependence of language and subject-related learning processes and outcomes.
Numerous studies have shown the diversity of language competencies among learners and their overall connection with subject-related learning processes. Thereby, they emphasize the importance of language competencies as a key to the educational success of children and adolescents. However, (subject-)specific findings on the cause-effect relationships are still unanswered. Projects in ERLE address this area of research and investigate how teaching processes should be designed to promote subject as well as language learning, and how (prospective) teachers should be professionalized regarding this matter.
- 2021
Erkennen Lehramtsstudierende sprachliche Hürden in einem mathematischen Erklärtext?
Schmitz, A. (Coauthor), Strohmaier, A. (presenter), Leiss, D. (Coauthor) & Kuhl, P. (Coauthor)
08.11.2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Fachwissen = Fachdidaktisches sprachliches Wissen? Eine quantitative Studie zum Verhältnis vom schriftstrukturellen Fachwissen und Pedagogical Language Knowledge zukünftiger Lehrkräfte
Menzel, K. (Speaker), Brandt, H. (Speaker), Weinhold, S. (Speaker) & Neumann, A. (Speaker)
08.11.2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Relationships between language-related task variations, reading comprehension, and learner motivation and emotions: A Systematic Review
Wirth, L. (Speaker), Kuhl, P. (Coauthor) & Ehmke, T. (Coauthor)
08.11.2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung - DigiGEBF 2021
Kuhl, P. (Speaker)
08.11.2021Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research
Können Lehramtsstudierende sprachliche Hürden in Erklärtexten im Fach Deutsch identifizieren? Eine Untersuchung zum Einfluss von professionellen Überzeugungen und der Nutzung von Lerngelegenheiten
Menzel, K. (Speaker) & Brandt, H. (Coauthor)
13.09.2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Wahrnehmung sprachlicher Hürden in einem mathematischen Erklärtext
Schmitz, A. (Coauthor), Strohmaier, A. (presenter), Albrecht, I. (Coauthor), Leiss, D. (Coauthor) & Kuhl, P. (Coauthor)
13.09.2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Opportunities to Learn, professional beliefs and the Ability to identify Academic Language Features in a Mathematical Explanation. A Study Among Pre-Service Teachers.
Brandt, H. (Speaker), Albrecht, I. (Coauthor), Leiss, D. (Coauthor) & Ehmke, T. (Coauthor)
09.2021Activity: Talk or presentation › talk or presentation in privat or public events › Research
Quality of reading instruction in language classrooms: Subject specific analysis of teaching quality
Schmitz, A. (presenter) & Karstens, F. (Coauthor)
23.08.2021 → 27.08.2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
A Multi-method Insight into Students‘ strategic reading of expository and narrative texts
Schmitz, A. (presenter) & Dannecker, W. (Coauthor)
08.2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
4. Treffen der AG Leseverstehen (SDD)
Schmitz, A. (Participant) & Stephany, S. (Participant)
29.07.2021 → 30.07.2021Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research