Professorship for Sustainability and Politics
Organisational unit: Professoship
Organisation profile
How can society and the economy be shaped with foresight and at the same time stabilise the natural foundations of life? The co-optimisation of economic, social and ecological developments is the core issue of sustainable policy. At the Chair of Sustainability and Politics, this question is addressed in research, teaching and practice.
Main research areas
The four subject areas of sustainable state, sustainable community, climate crisis and transformation as well as cultural innovation and communication take centre stage.
2042: A transformative longitudinal study - Collaborative Economy
Soetebeer, I. (Project staff) & Burandt, S. (Project manager, academic)
31.03.15 → 31.03.18
Project: Research
A Change in Perspective - The Role of Photography in Environmental Communication
Brosien, P. N. (Project manager, academic) & Heinrichs, H. (Project staff)
01.05.20 → …
Project: Dissertation project
Ansätze zur strategischen Langfristpolitikgestaltung am empirischen Beispiel des Ausstiegs aus den fossilen Energieträgern in Deutschland bis 2050
Schulze, M. (Project manager, academic) & Heinrichs, H. (Project manager, academic)
01.03.13 → 31.05.18
Project: Dissertation project
Can Subjective Indicators Make Sustainability Assessment More Community Relevant? The Important Role of the Stakeholders’ Participation and the Use of Indicators Set towards the Localization of Sustainable Development
Hatakeyama, T. (Project manager, academic) & Heinrichs, H. (Project manager, academic)
01.10.16 → 28.02.22
Project: Dissertation project
KUNTIKUM: Climate trends and sustainable development of tourism in coastal and low mountain range regions
Kreilkamp, E. (Project manager, academic), Möller, A. (Project manager, academic), Heinrichs, H. (Partner), Burandt, S. (Project staff) & Schulz, D. (Project staff)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
01.10.06 → 31.12.09
Project: Research
Der anthropogene Klimawandel und seine Resonanz in der Bevölkerung - Eine theoretische und empirische Untersuchung des Klimabewusstseins in Deutschland
Weber-Moritz, M. (Project manager, academic) & Heinrichs, H. (Project manager, academic)
01.05.02 → 30.04.07
Project: Dissertation project
Der partizipative Weg in die nachhaltige Gesellschaft? Formative Evaluation der Gestaltung neuer Partizipationssituationen in Politik und Wirtschaft zur Förderung nachhaltiger Entwicklung auf der Basis systemübergreifender Prinzipien der Partizipation
Basmer-Birkenfeld, S.-V. (Project manager, academic), Heinrichs, H. (Project manager, academic) & Wulfsberg, J. P. (Project manager, academic)
01.10.16 → …
Project: Dissertation project
Designing knowledge-action networks for supporting energy focused sociotechnical change in illiberal democracies: Interfacing science, policy and transformation processes towards sustainability in Andean Countries.
Noboa, E. (Project manager, academic) & Heinrichs, H. (Project manager, academic)
05.10.15 → 04.06.19
Project: Dissertation project
NaKoV: Development and implementation of an integrated sustainability management system in the local public sector, based on the sub-projects “Accounting System Reform” (Freiburg) and “Administrative Reform in the Case of Energy Management (Lüneburg)”
Heinrichs, H. (Project manager, academic), Lang, D. J. (Project manager, academic), Kirst, E. (Project staff) & Plawitzki, J. (Project staff)
German Federal Environmental Foundation
01.05.12 → 30.04.17
Project: Research
Die Berücksichtigung gesellschaftlicher Veränderungen in der Konzeption des Integrated Reporting
Augustine, S. (Project manager, academic) & Heinrichs, H. (Project manager, academic)
01.04.14 → 14.12.17
Project: Dissertation project