Scholarly Question Answering using Large Language Models in the NFDI4DataScience Gateway

Publikation: Andere wissenschaftliche BeiträgeAndereForschung


This paper introduces a scholarly Question Answering (QA) system on top of the NFDI4DataScience Gateway, employing a Retrieval Augmented Generation-based (RAG) approach. The NFDI4DS Gateway, as a foundational framework, offers a unified and intuitive interface for querying various scientific databases using federated search. The RAG-based scholarly QA, powered by a Large Language Model (LLM), facilitates dynamic interaction with search results, enhancing filtering capabilities and fostering a conversational engagement with the Gateway search. The effectiveness of both the Gateway and the scholarly QA system is demonstrated through experimental analysis.
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 11.06.2024


  • 2406.07257v1

    469 KB, PDF-Dokument