Effects of blended and video-based coaching approaches on preservice teachers' self-efficacy and perceived competence support

Publikation: Beiträge in ZeitschriftenZeitschriftenaufsätzeForschungbegutachtet


We compared two blended and video-based coaching approaches (V-Coaching and V-Coaching+) with pure, face-to-face coaching supervision (Live-Coaching) and measured preservice teachers’ self-efficacy in classroom management before and after their first teaching practicum. Additionally, the preservice teachers’ perceived competence support was analyzed. The preservice teachers in both blended coaching approaches reflected on own teaching videos focusing on their classroom management and received feedback from their peers. Members of the V-Coaching+ group received additional expert feedback from university supervisors on the digital platform. The results of the pre–posttest showed that the preservice teachers in the V-Coaching+ group increased their self-efficacy in classroom management significantly more than the preservice teachers in the Live-Coaching group. Moreover, the preservice teachers in both video-based coaching groups reported receiving significantly more perceived competence support from their university supervisors than the preservice teachers in the Live-Coaching group. The content analysis of the video-based selfreflection and the feedback revealed that the preservice teachers’ self-reflection contained more negative aspects than the feedback from fellow students. In addition, our results showed that peer feedback is mostly positive, while feedback from university supervisors is more balanced (both positive and negative) and contains more suggestions for alternative teaching strategies.
ZeitschriftLearning, Culture and Social Interaction
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 01.09.2019


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