No Solution for Torture Prisons. Anti-racist Resistance to Emergency Evacuations to Niger

Presse/Medien: Presse / Medien

While European debates on the outsourcing of asylum are often shaped by legal and economic criticism, a more fundamental anti-racist critique can also be heard in Africa. Using the example of emergency evacuations from Libya to Niger under the Emergency Transit Mechanism (ETM), this article shows how affected refugees and Nigerien officials exposed the ETM as a racist and neo-colonial project and thus pointed to the vision of a different migration policy based on their treatment as equals.


TitelNo Solution for Torture Prisons. Anti-racist Resistance to Emergency Evacuations to Niger
Datum der Veröffentlichung20.06.24
PersonenLaura Lambert


While European debates on the outsourcing of asylum are often shaped by legal and economic criticism, a more fundamental anti-racist critique can also be heard in Africa. Using the example of emergency evacuations from Libya to Niger under the Emergency Transit Mechanism (ETM), this article shows how affected refugees and Nigerien officials exposed the ETM as a racist and neo-colonial project and thus pointed to the vision of a different migration policy based on their treatment as equals.
