The Sustainable State.

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche und künstlerische VeranstaltungenKonferenzenForschung

Thomas Saretzki - Organisator*in

Basil Bornemann - Organisator*in

Michael Rose - Moderator*in

Jens Newig - Organisator*in

Francesco Laruffa - Organisator*in

Christen Marius - Organisator*in

This international research workshop brings together scholars working on the sustainable state and processes of state transformation towards sustainability (‘sustainabilization of the state’) in different academic disciplines and fields, including political theory, political economy, political sociology, governance and public administration, legal studies as well as sustainable transformation studies. The workshop will provide a forum for academic exchange on current theoretical perspectives, innovative methodological approaches and recent empirical findings on sustainability-oriented state transformations in various regional contexts and on various levels of statehood (national, sub-national, local). In addition to stimulating reflection and discussion, the workshop is intended to promote networking and encourage research collaborations that may lead to joint projects.
The Sustainable State.


The Sustainable State. Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives on Socio-Ecological Transformations of the State in Times of Compound Crises.


Lüneburg, Deutschland

Veranstaltung: Workshop

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