International Generalizability Of Expatriate Success factors (project iGOES): Selected results of a global quantitative study on the prediction of expatriate adjustment and performance

Aktivität: Vorträge und GastvorlesungenGastvorträge und -vorlesungenForschung

Jürgen Deller - Sprecher*in

The concept of intercultural competence has received much attention from scholars and practitioners over the last few decades. Both communities have explored methods for matching expatriate individuals to countries that fit their cultural orientation and individual competencies. One question related to the selection of expatriates is whether the competencies required for successful adaptation to other cultures, as well as those required for expatriate job performance, are culture-specific or whether they generalize across world regions. The presentation focuses on selected results of a collaborative research project of Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Germany (Prof. Deller), with the University of Minnesota, USA (Prof. Ones), and the City University of New York, USA (Prof. Dilchert). The three scholars have lead a joint research project in 20 countries representing all ten cultural areas of Project GLOBE. With more than 2,000 expatriates interviewed and psychometrically tested, the project is the largest of its kind to date.

with Ones, D.S., Dilchert, S., Albrecht, A.-G., & Paulus, F.


7th International Conference on Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise - DICOEN VII 2013

20.10.13 → …

Beijing, China

Veranstaltung: Sonstiges