Konstruierte Raumbindungen: Kulturangebote zwischen Authentizität und Inszenierung

Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearch


Without doubt, tourism is a business. Landscapes, people and cultures are traded as goods. In order to provide the demand side with a secure and guaranteed supply these touristic goods more and more were disembedded from the concrete space. The result is a displaced tourism. Cultural tourism is an example demonstrating how spaces are culturalized, that means a touristification of spaces on the basis of attributing and staging them with "culture". These tourism-made culture has no or hardly a linkage with the given space.
Translated title of the contributionConstructed space-linkages: Cultural tourism between authenticity and staging
Original languageGerman
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)103-116
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 2000

    Research areas

  • Tourism studies - displaced tourism, cultural tourism, commodification