Hierarchy and respect

Research output: other publicationsArticles in scientific forums or blogsResearch


Every now and then, I’m given reasons by the German university system to seriously doubt if I can handle it in the long term. Overly complicated administrative processes aside, my biggest issue with the German university system is the explicit and implicit reinforcement of unhelpful hierarchies, particularly with respect to early career researchers.

Early career researchers (ECRs) — especially postdocs, but often also PhD students — are the future of academia. They are the powerhouses of productivity, the social backbone of departments, and the people who rescue students who have been neglected by their professors. Depending on where you look, their treatment in the German system varies from unhelpful to disgraceful.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 03.03.2016

Bibliographical note

ISSN: 2509-3746
Last modified: 03/03/2016