Ethik mit abstand – tipps und tools zum digitalen training ethischer kompetenzen

Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review


Ethics teaching in medicine, nursing and other health care professions does not only consist of knowledge transfer that can be easily implemented digitally. Rather, it focuses on specific ethical competences (such as arguing and articulating one's own moral position) and attitudes (such as empathic patient orientation, critical self-reflection, and ambi-guity tolerance), for whose development interactive formats are super-ior. Competence-oriented ethical learning goals are important for the development of professionalism, but require time, space and personal exchange. Due to contact restrictions and the widespread cancellation of (face-to-face) courses in the wake of the corona pandemic, ethics teaching was forced to keep its distance in many places, which posed great challenges. This article is based on an exchange of experiences from members of the working group ethik learning of the Academy for Ethics in Medicine about ethics teaching in times of physical distancing. Recommendations will be given on how ethical competence can be successfully taught in the context of exclusively digital teaching. Starting with the question what is at risk of being lost in digital teaching, the potentials of digital formats are explored and illustrated with concrete practical examples. Beyond ethics teaching, the article also aims to provide ideas and suggestions for other specialist and cross-sectional areas where interactive formats are central.

Translated title of the contributionEthics in times of physical distancing: Virtual training of ethical competences
Original languageGerman
Article numberDoc28
JournalGMS Journal for Medical Education
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)1-6
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Externally publishedYes