e-learning für das Fach Statistik: ein Pilotprojekt an der Universität Lüneburg

Research output: Working paperWorking papers


With this e-learning pro­ject for the sub­ject sta­tis­tics we stri­ve to achie­ve the fol­lo­wing goals:
For one thing we want to of­fer ano­ther way to de­epen one’s know­ledge of sta­tis­tics. For ano­ther thing the tool shall re­du­ce the workload of crow­ded tu­to­ri­als so that du­ring the les­sons de­tai­led dis­cus­sions will be pos­si­ble. Fur­ther­mo­re we want to help other de­ve­l­o­pers by gi­ving ex­pli­cit de­scrip­ti­ons of how we crea­ted our e-learning tool. For this pur­po­se, we first­ly in­tro­du­ce exis­ting pro­grams and in­ter­net plat­forms. For e-learning pro­po­sals the­re are dif­fe­rent poss­si­ble so­lu­ti­ons which we will dis­cuss and that we al­re­a­dy
rea­li­sed in parts (black­board, mai­ling list). We de­ci­ded to use the ap­proach of pro­vi­ding an au­dio­vi­su­al pre­sen­ta­ti­on with the so­lu­ti­ons of the as­si­gn­ments. In the main part we re­gard the con­tent (pa­ra­me­ter tests as part of sta­tis­tic II: pro­ba­bi­li­ty cal­cu­la­ti­on and in­duc­tive sta­tis­tics) and the tech­ni­cal rea­liza­t­i­on (hard- and soft­ware) of the pro­ject. Mo­re­o­ver we sum­ma­ri­zed the eva­lua­ti­on of the stu­dent body: The re­sult was that the e-learning of­fer was ac­cep­ted by two thirds of the stu­dents, their app­rai­sal was pre­do­mi­nant­ly po­si­ti­ve. To them e-learning was a wel­co­me ex­tra of­fer but no sub­sti­tu­ti­on to the re­gu­lar tu­to­ri­als.
Original languageGerman
Place of PublicationLüneburg
PublisherForschungsinstitut Freie Berufe
Number of pages68
Publication statusPublished - 2006
