Privatisierung, Deregulierung und Freie und staatlich gebundene Freie Berufe: Einige ökonomische Aspekte

Research output: Working paperWorking papers


Professions and public bounded professions act in an economic and social political range with its poles characterized by the state and the free market.
This study considers privitatization and deregulation for the professions and public bounded professions under economic aspects. After de finitions central economical theoretical arguments of privatization and deregulation are regarded and worldwide approaches and results briefly sketched. Before the background of the denationalization policy in Germany the concrete privatization and deregulation approaches for the professions - public bounded or not - are discussed and their empirical reform effects based on the actual Kiel study presented.
Within the professions in the legal and economic advise and the testing and expert affairs the situation and economic importance of notar ies, public appointed surveyors and public appointed experts is described and conclusions about the subject are drawn.
Original languageGerman
Place of PublicationLüneburg
PublisherForschungsinstitut Freie Berufe
Number of pages59
Publication statusPublished - 05.1997

    Research areas

  • Economics, empirical/statistics - privatization, deregulation, professions and public bounded professions, reformeffects of denationalization, legal and economic advise, testing and expert affairs
