Der Noth gehorchend, nicht dem eignen Trieb: Nascent necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs in Germany evidence from the regional entrepreneurship monitor (REM)

Research output: Working paperWorking papers


Using a large recent representative sample of the adult German population this paper demonstrates that nascent necessity and nascent opportunity entrepreneurs are different with respect to some of the characteristics and attitudes considered to be important for becoming a nascent entrepreneur, and that they behave differently. Given the lack of longitudinal data, however, we have no information about the performance of entrepreneurs from both groups in the longer run
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLüneburg
PublisherInstitut für Volkswirtschaftslehre der Universität Lüneburg
Number of pages24
Publication statusPublished - 05.2005

Bibliographical note

Financial support by the German Research Foundation DFG under grants WA 610/2-1 and WA 610/2-2 for the project Regional Entrepreneurship Monitor (REM) Germany is gratefully acknowledged. The first part of the title (that translates literally to “Obeying need, not my own inclination”) is, obviously, a tribute to Friedrich von Schiller – see his Die Braut von Messina (Erster Aufzug, Erster Auftritt). This paper is my contribution to the Schillerjahr, celebrated in 2005 to commemorate his death on May 9th, 1805.

    Research areas

  • Economics - necessity entrepreneurship, opportunity entrepreneurship, Germany, REM


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