Maraja Riechers


Maraja Riechers


Dr. Maraja Riechers

  1. 2021
  2. Published

    Social and Ecological Elements for a Perspective Approach to Citizen Science on the Beach

    Fanini, L., Costa, L. L., Zalmon, I. R. & Riechers, M., 17.08.2021, In: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 9, 6 p., 694487.

    Research output: Journal contributionsScientific review articlesResearch

  3. Published

    Leverage points for addressing marine and coastal pollution: A review

    Riechers, M., Brunner, B. P., Dajka, J. C., Dușe, I. A., Lübker, H. M., Manlosa, A. O., Sala, J. E., Schaal, T. & Weidlich, S., 01.06.2021, In: Marine Pollution Bulletin. 167, 10 p., 112263.

    Research output: Journal contributionsScientific review articlesResearch

  4. Published

    Human-nature connectedness as leverage point

    Riechers, M., Balázsi, Á., García-Llorente, M. & Loos, J., 13.05.2021, In: Ecosystems and People. 17, 1, p. 215-221 7 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsOther (editorial matter etc.)Research

  5. Published

    A leverage points perspective on institutions for food security in a smallholder-dominated landscape in southwestern Ethiopia

    Jiren, T. S., Riechers, M., Bergsten, A. & Fischer, J., 05.2021, In: Sustainability Science. 16, 3, p. 767-779 13 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    Key advantages of the leverage points perspective to shape human-nature relations

    Riechers, M., Loos, J., Balázsi, Á., García-Llorente, M., Bieling, C., Burgos-Ayala, A., Chakroun, L., Mattijssen, T. J. M., Muhr, M. M., Pérez-Ramírez, I., Raatikainen, K. J., Rana, S., Richardson, M., Rosengren, L. & West, S., 25.04.2021, In: Ecosystems and People. 17, 1, p. 205-214 10 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    Plastics in our ocean as transdisciplinary challenge

    Riechers, M., Fanini, L., Apicella, A., Galván, C. B., Blondel, E., Espiña, B., Kefer, S., Keroullé, T., Klun, K., Pereira, T. R., Ronchi, F., Rodríguez, P. R., Sardon, H., Silva, A. V., Stulgis, M. & Ibarra-González, N., 01.03.2021, In: Marine Pollution Bulletin. 164, 5 p., 112051.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  8. Published

    Making the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration a Social-Ecological Endeavour

    Fischer, J., Riechers, M., Loos, J., Martín-López, B. & Temperton, V. M., 01.01.2021, In: Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 36, 1, p. 20-28 9 p., 2749.

    Research output: Journal contributionsScientific review articlesResearch

  9. 2020
  10. Published

    The erosion of relational values resulting from landscape simplification

    Riechers, M., Balázsi, Á., Betz, L., Jiren, T. S. & Fischer, J., 01.11.2020, In: Landscape Ecology. 35, 11, p. 2601-2612 12 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  11. Published

    The influence of landscape change on multiple dimensions of human–nature connectedness

    Riechers, M., Balázsi, Á., Abson, D. J. & Fischer, J., 01.09.2020, In: Ecology and Society. 25, 3, p. 1-12 12 p., 3.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  12. Published

    Red and green loops help uncover missing feedbacks in a coral reef social–ecological system

    Dajka, J. C., Woodhead, A. J., Norström, A. V., Graham, N. A. J., Riechers, M. & Nyström, M., 09.2020, In: People and Nature. 2, 3, p. 608-618 11 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review