Claudia Heuer



Dr. Claudia Heuer

  1. 2016
  2. Published

    Bildung und Hochschule: Impulse für Studium und Lehre am Beispiel des Leuphana College

    Beck, K. (Editor), Bothe, T. (Editor), Glaser, T. (Editor), Heuer, C. (Editor), Schütz, J. (Editor) & Seifert, A. (Editor), 2016, 1 ed. Münster: Waxmann Verlag. 286 p.

    Research output: Books and anthologiesCollected editions and anthologiesResearch

  3. 2013
  4. Published

    A New Model of Higher Education in the European Context - The Leuphana Experience

    Gunkel, M., Schütz, J., Seifert, A., Scharlau, I., Beck, K. & Heuer, C., 2013, Conference Proceedings of the 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference: 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference March 4th-6th, 2013 — Valencia, Spain . Chova, L. G., Martínez, A. L. & Torres, I. C. (eds.). International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), p. 2510-2517 8 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearchpeer-review