Professorship for Theory and History of Media
Organisational unit: Professoship
Organisation profile
Media Theory and Media History at the ICAM researches the media-related possibilities and conditions of cognition, representation and research, or, more generally, of cultural practices—with a special interest in technological interconnections.
Main research areas
This perspective stands in the tradition of technologically informed discourse analyses following Michel Foucault and Friedrich Kittler. Aware of the limitations and in part justified critique of the techno-deterministic forms of this approach, we conduct research and teach in the frame of theoretical further developments of cultural studies-oriented media research. In exchange with other disciplines, we not only place a greater focus on aspects such as actors, concrete locations or networks, it is also important for us to reflect upon the historical genealogy of concepts and methods applied in media studies themselves. This results in an orientation one can best designate with the term of media-historical epistemology.
The aim is not to advance an own type of “media philosophy,” but to conduct historical studies on (media) technologies that are of interest from a media-theoretical point of view in that they lead to epistemological consequences. We therefore grasp the Media Theory and Media History not as two separate fields that are to be researched and taught at the university independently of each other. Instead, we find that grasping media theory and media history as a dynamic relationship of exchange leads to much more productive ideas and questions in research and teaching. For us, media-historical epistemology is therefore not a discipline in the classical sense. To speak with Ludwik Fleck, it is a form of a “thinking collective” or “style of thinking” chosen for quite pragmatic reasons. Such a style of thinking enables second-order observations that aim at retracing misunderstandings, disruptions, breaks, caesuras, or, in short, “epistemological obstacles” (Bachelard) that characterize the history of media. The strengths of a media-historical epistemology understood in this way lies in its compatibility with other current approaches in cultural studies, e.g., the research of cultural technologies, the research of laboratories and science, or the history of science.
To this end, a media-historical epistemology must be well informed not only about the disciplines whose media-related methods it addresses, but also about the current methodological standards of neighboring approaches, such as science studies, musicology, Science, Technology and Society (STS), visual studies, or technological and cultural history. For the purpose of a specific media epistemology, they are taken up, examined, and reformulated in view of their subject matter. Such a combination of media theory and media history makes no problem-solving promises of enhanced media technologies or more successful conveyance of science, but offers itself as a method to problematize science, society, and culture.
- 2017
- Published
Nach der Revolution: Ein Brevier digitaler Kulturen
Beyes, T. (Editor), Metelmann, J. (Editor) & Pias, C. (Editor), 09.2017, Berlin: Tempus Corporate GmbH. 204 p. (Duisburger Dialoge)(Edition Speersort)Research output: Books and anthologies › Collected editions and anthologies › Research
- Published
Bats in the Belfry: On the Relationship of Cybernetics and German Media Theory
Müggenburg, J. K., 28.07.2017, In: Canadian Journal of Communication. 42, 3, p. 467 – 484 18 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
„Das scheint mir das Widersprüchliche in der Kybernetik zu sein: Im gleichen Atemzug mit einer De-Anthropologisierung wird ein neuer Humanismus gefeiert.“
Pias, C., 10.07.2017, Eine Genealogie des MedienDenkens: Siegfried Zielinski im Gespräch mit: Hans Belting, Knut Ebeling, Thomas Elsaesser, Wolfgang Ernst, VALIE EXPORT, Boris Groys, Sybille Krämer, Geert Lovink, Joachim Paech, Claus Pias, Hans Ulrich Reck, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Nils Röller, Otto Rössler, Florian Rötzer, Elisabeth von Samsonow, Henning Schmidgen, Peter Weibel und Hartmut Winkler.. Hadler, F. & Irrgang, D. (eds.). Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos , p. 491-520 30 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research › peer-review
- Published
Good Vibrations: Eine Geschichte der elektronischen Musikinstrumente
Brilmayer, B. (Editor), Hardjowirogo, S.-I. (Editor) & Restle, C. (Editor), 18.04.2017, Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag. 168 p.Research output: Books and anthologies › Exhibition catalogues › Transfer
- Published
Computer Game Worlds
Pias, C., 2017, Zürich: Diaphanes Verlag. 355 p. (sequenzia)Research output: Books and anthologies › Monographs › Research › peer-review
- Published
Das Ereignis, „wenn man sich im Bett umdreht“ – Zur Zukunft des Subjekts bei Alain Badiou und Robert Musil
Schnödl, G., 2017, Zurück in die Zukunft: Die Bedeutung von Diskursen über „Zukunft“ in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Freitag, K. & Groß, D. (eds.). Kassel: Kassel university press, p. 75-90 16 p. ( Studien des Aachener Kompetenzzentrums für Wissenschaftsgeschichte; vol. 18).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research › peer-review
- Published
Gespenster des Wissens
Holl, U. (Editor), Pias, C. (Editor) & Wolf, B. (Editor), 2017, Zürich: Diaphanes Verlag. 440 p.Research output: Books and anthologies › Collected editions and anthologies › Transfer
- Published
Instrumentality: On the Construction of Instrumental Identity
Hardjowirogo, S.-I., 2017, Musical Instruments in the 21st Century: Identities, Configurations, Practices. Bovermann, T., de Campo, A., Egermann, H., Hardjowirogo, S.-I. & Weinzierl, S. (eds.). Singapore: Springer Science+Business Media, p. 9-24 16 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Chapter › peer-review
- Published
Kritische Übergänge. Relationsmodelle der Kritik um 1900
Schnödl, G., 2017, Julius Meier-Graefe: Grenzgänger der Künste. Becker, I. & Marchal, S. (eds.). Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag, p. 44-58 15 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research › peer-review
- Published
Musical Instruments in the 21st Century: Identities, Configurations, Practices
Bovermann, T. (Editor), de Campo, A. (Editor), Egermann, H. (Editor), Hardjowirogo, S.-I. (Editor) & Weinzierl, S. (Editor), 2017, Singapore: Springer Science+Business Media. 412 p.Research output: Books and anthologies › Collected editions and anthologies › Research
- Published
Wir sind drin. Zur Gegenwart digitaler Kulturen
Beyes, T., Metelmann, J. & Pias, C., 2017, Nach der Revolution: Ein Brevier digitaler Kulturen. Beyes, T., Metelmann, J. & Pias, C. (eds.). Berlin: Tempus Corporate GmbH, p. 5-11 7 p. (Edition Speersort)(Duisburger Dialoge).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research
- 2016
- Published
Das relationale Apriori Wiens / Das städtische Apriori des Relationalismus: Stadt, Raum und Text in Robert Musils „Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften“
Schnödl, G., 15.12.2016, In: Le Foucaldien. 2, 1, 14 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
What’s German about German media theory?
Pias, C., 10.05.2016, Media Transatlantic: Developments in Media and Communication Studies Between North American and German-Speaking Europe. Friesen, N. (ed.). Cham: Springer International Publishing AG, p. 15-27 13 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research › peer-review
- Published
Cybernetics: The Macy Conferences 1946-1953. The Complete Transactions
Pias, C. (Editor), 03.2016, Zurich: Diaphanes Verlag. 736 p.Research output: Books and anthologies › Collected editions and anthologies › Research
- Published
Collectives, Connectives, and the ‘Nonsense1 of Participation
Pias, C., 02.2016, ReClaiming participation: technology - mediation - collectivity . Denecke, M., Ganzert, A., Stock, R. & Otto, I. (eds.). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, p. 23-38 17 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research › peer-review
- Published
Pias, C. & Rieger, S., 02.2016, Vollstes Verständnis: Utopien der Kommunikation. Pias, C. & Rieger, S. (eds.). 1 ed. Berlin / Zürich: Diaphanes Verlag, p. 7-13 7 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research › peer-review
- Published
Vollstes Verständnis: Utopien der Kommunikation
Pias, C. (Editor) & Rieger, S. (Editor), 02.2016, 1 ed. Berlin / Zürich: Diaphanes Verlag. 208 p.Research output: Books and anthologies › Collected editions and anthologies › Research
- Published
Der Delfin als Medium. Formation und Imagination in John C Lillys Kommunikationsexperimenten
Müggenburg, J. K., 2016, Designing Thinking: Angewandte Imagination und Kreativität um 1960. Mareis, C. (ed.). Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, p. 185–212 28 p. (Eikones).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research › peer-review
- Published
Friedrich Kittler und der „Mißbrauch von Heeresgerät“: Zur Situation eines Denkbilds 1964 / 1984 / 2014
Pias, C., 2016, Zweckentfremdung: 'Unsachgemäßer' Gebrauch als kulturelle Praxis. Keller, D. & Dillschnitter, M. (eds.). 1 ed. Parderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, p. 63-80 18 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research › peer-review
- Published
Poetik der Assimilation: Hermann Bahrs Wandelbarkeit und das Wissen der Angleichung um 1900
Schnödl, G., 2016, Traditionsbrüche: Neue Forschungsansätze zu Hermann Bahr. Bachleitner, N., Kriegleder, W. & Simonek, S. (eds.). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag, p. 49-62 14 p. (Wechselwirkungen; no. 19).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Article in conference proceedings › Research › peer-review