Institute of Sustainability Governance
Organisational unit: Institute
- Junior professorship of Public Law and European Law with Focus on Sustainability
- Professorship for Energy Economics and Energy Policy
- Professorship for Governance and Sustainability
- Professorship for Public Law, in particular Energy and Environmental Law
- Professorship for Sustainability and Politics
- Professorship of Public and International Law with a Focus on Sustainability
Organisation profile
The members of the Institute of Sustainability Governance (INSUGO) focus their work on a fundamental question: Which public institutions and regulation systems are necessary to achieve the normative goal of sustainability in a complex and pluralistic society? The answer to this question is provided by a broad scientific approach which is based on research, academic teaching and knowledge transfer with practitioners on topics of public sustainability governance.
Der Handel mit Emissionszertifikaten: ist der Emissionsrechtehandel ein geeignetes Instrument zur Beseitigung des Klimawandels?
1 Media contribution
Schnelle Räume - langsame Räume: Auswirkungen des Geschwindigkeitsparadigmas auf den nahräumlichen Verkehr
1 Media contribution
Geschlechteraspekte sehen und verstehen lernen: Gender Mainstreaming in Natur- und Umweltschutzorganisationen
Katz, C., Brouns, E., Grüning, J., Mayer, M. & Mölders, T.
1 Media contribution