Organisation profile

The members of the Institute of Sustainability Governance (INSUGO) focus their work on a fundamental question: Which public institutions and regulation systems are necessary to achieve the normative goal of sustainability in a complex and pluralistic society? The answer to this question is provided by a broad scientific approach which is based on research, academic teaching and knowledge transfer with practitioners on topics of public sustainability governance.

  1. 2042: A transformative longitudinal study - Collaborative Economy

    Soetebeer, I. (Project staff) & Burandt, S. (Project manager, academic)


    Project: Research

  2. A Change in Perspective - The Role of Photography in Environmental Communication

    Brosien, P. N. (Project manager, academic) & Heinrichs, H. (Project staff)

    01.05.20 → …

    Project: Dissertation project

  3. Ansätze zur strategischen Langfristpolitikgestaltung am empirischen Beispiel des Ausstiegs aus den fossilen Energieträgern in Deutschland bis 2050

    Schulze, M. (Project manager, academic) & Heinrichs, H. (Project manager, academic)


    Project: Dissertation project

  4. Anwendung des TOP-Runner-Ansatzes auf Konsumgüter

    Schomerus, T. (Project manager, academic)


    Project: Research

  5. Bewertung Freileitungsmastsysteme

    Schomerus, T. (Project manager, academic), Lutz, L. M. (Project staff), Lauer, J. J. (Project staff) & Runge, K. (Partner, non-academic)


    Project: Transfer (Scientific Services)

  6. Biomass - A renewable energy source? Sustainable biomass (re)production through Landscape Quality Management

    Brüll, A. (Project manager, academic)


    Project: Dissertation project

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