33rd General Conference of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth - IARIW 2014

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche und künstlerische VeranstaltungenKonferenzenForschung

Joachim Merz - Organisator*in

Bettina Scherg - Sprecher*in

    Polarization of Time and Income – A Multidimensional Analysis for Germany

    A growing polarization of society accompanied by an erosion of the middle class is receiving increasing attention in recent German economic and social policy discussion. Our study contributes to this discussion in two ways: First, on a theoretical level we propose extended multidimensional polarization indices based on a CES-type well-being function and present a new measure to multidimensional polarization, the mean minimum polarization gap 2DGAP.
    This polarization intensity measure provides transparency with regard to each single attribute, which is important for targeted policies, while at the same time respecting their interdependent relations. Second, in an empirical application time is incorporated, in addition to the traditional income measure, as a fundamental resource for any activity. In particular, genuine personal leisure time will account for social participation in the sense of social inclusion/exclusion and Amartya Sen’s capability approach.
    Instead of arbitrarily choosing the attribute parameters in the CES well-being function, the interdependent relations of time and income are evaluated by the German population. With the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) and detailed time use diary data from the German Time Use Survey (GTUS) 1991/92 and 2001/02, we quantify available and extended multidimensional polarization measures as well as our new approach to measuring the polarization of the working poor and affluent in Germany.
    There are three prominent empirical results: Genuine personal leisure time in addition to income is an important and significant polarization attribute. Compensation is of economic and statistical significance. The new minimum 2DGAP approach reveals that multidimensional polarization increased in the 1990s in Germany.

    Organisation of Plenary Session : Time use and well-being / Co-organisation Paul Schreyer
    33rd General Conference of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth - IARIW 2014


    33rd General Conference of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth - IARIW 2014


    Rotterdam , Niederlande

    Veranstaltung: Konferenz

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