Institute of German Language and Literature Studies and their Didactics

Organisational unit: Institute

Organisation profile

The institute is at an intersection between linguistics, didactics, educational- and cultural sciences regarding research and teaching. It is involved in several degree programmes, such as "Teaching and Learning, B.A.", "Master of Education (M.Ed.)", the "Leuphana B.A." and the major in cultural studies (M.A.). Scientific research and the promotion of young scientists are a central concern of the institute. Furthermore, students have the opportunity to complete their doctoral studies (Dr. phil.).

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  1. Conference Presentations
  2. Entwicklung der Lesekompetenz und Determinanten erfolgreicher Leseförderung in der Sekundarstufe I: Erste Ergebnisse des Projekts BiSS EILe

    Anke Schmitz (Coauthor), Nina Zeuch (presenter), S.-I. Meudt (presenter), Jörg Jost (Coauthor) & Elmar Souvignier (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  3. Entwicklung englischer Schreibkompetenzen auf der gymnasialen Oberstufe

    Astrid Neumann (Oral presentation)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  4. Entwicklungssensitives sprachliches Lehrerhandeln zur Förderung der Bildungssprache

    Sarah Rose (Speaker) & Katrin Kleinschmidt-Schinke (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsTransfer

  5. Erkennen Lehramtsstudierende sprachliche Hürden in einem mathematischen Erklärtext?

    Anke Schmitz (Coauthor), Anselm Strohmaier (presenter), Dominik Leiss (Coauthor) & Poldi Kuhl (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  6. Fachspezifische Diskursfähigkeit im Gesellschaftslehreunterricht – Zur Bestimmung der fachsprachlichen Qualität von Schülertexten

    Anke Schmitz (presenter) & Sven Oleschko (presenter)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  7. (Fach)Sprachliche (Ko-)Konstruktionen im Schriftspracherwerb: Auf der Suche nach einer Sprache über das Schriftsystem

    Swantje Weinhold (Speaker), Sarah Jagemann (Speaker) & Franziska Bormann (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  8. Fostering language development by content based learning in German secondary schools

    Astrid Neumann (Speaker), Andreas Weber (Speaker) & Susann-Christin Entrich (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  9. Frauenfußball in Brasilien - Potenziale und Herausforderungen

    Thekla De Carvalho Rodrigues (Speaker) & Cauê de Carvalho Rodrigues (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsTransfer