School of Sustainability
Organisational unit: Research School
- Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM)
- Institute of Ecology
- Institute of Ethics and Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research
- Institute of Sustainability Governance
- Institute of Sustainability Material Flows and Circularity
- Institute of Sustainability Psychology
- Institute of Sustainable Chemistry
- Social-Ecological Systems Institute (SESI)
- Sustainability Education and Transdisciplinary Research Institute
Organisation profile
Sustainability has many facets. Inter- and transdisciplinary research and teaching characterize the School of Sustainability. Scientists in our research projects work together in the laboratory, on the heath, in the grassland, in the classroom, with the city administration, with farmers, with non-governmental organizations, with companies, with students in the lecture hall and of course at their desks.
Furthermore, we work with regional and national political actors, e.g. ministries, as well as international organizations, e.g. UNEP, UNESCO, EU. We are part of national and international bodies, e.g. sustainability advisory boards of companies, member of the German Sustainability Award, World Biodiversity Council (IPBES), in order to contribute to social change with scientific findings.
Main research areas
Sustainability science investigates on a theoretical, conceptual and empirical level how to promote sustainable development and how to find and implement effective solutions for current social and ecological challenges. The aim is to create a more sustainable future.
Sustainability researchers are called upon to take responsibility for their research, which is anchored in existing scientific knowledge and methods and serves to make the world a better place for everyone.
We promote change towards a sustainable future by developing theories, concepts and practices of inclusive education for sustainability, research, governance and management.
We acknowledge the diversity and dynamics of values, norms and behaviour and contribute with transdisciplinary methods to ensuring that tensions and differences between different disciplines, methods, topics and standards are fruitfully taken up and used with productive compromises and further developments towards sustainable development.
The School of Sustainability is guided by the normative concepts of ecological system integrity and social and economic justice.
Ecological system integrity refers to the safeguarding of life-support systems, as well as the maintenance of the well-being of life on Earth.
With social and economic justice we strive for a world in which all people can fulfil their potential without endangering system integrity and the well-being of others.
Information about the School
The School of Sustainability includes...
... ca. 25 professors
... ca. 100 research assistants
... ca. 1000 students in Bachelor and Master courses
In various inter- and transdisciplinary projects we are constantly researching and working together on changes and solutions for current challenges.
- 2023
ISEK Expert*innentagung Lüneburg
Möller, S. (Participant)
07.10.2023Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › External workshops, courses, seminars › Transfer
Creating curricula for competence: Findings from a comparison of three sustainability graduate programs
Birdman, J. (Speaker) & Lang, D. J. (Coauthor)
04.10.2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Learning Change: Studentische Reallabore für BNE nutzen
Schmitt, M. (presenter), Wyss, M. (Speaker) & Möller, S. (Moderator)
04.10.2023Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › External workshops, courses, seminars › Education
Peter G. Mahaffy
Kümmerer, K. (Host) & Zuin Zeidler, V. (Host)
02.10.2023 → 30.11.2023Activity: Hosting a visitor › Hosting an academic visitor
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (External organisation)
Fischer, D. (Member)
01.10.2023 → 30.09.2027Activity: Membership › Bodies of public institutions › Research
Reflexion als Schlüssel zur Erforschung von Partizipation und Heterogenität
Meyn, J. (Speaker)
29.09.2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Ungleiche Partizipationschancen in heterogenen Lerngruppen. Eine ethngrafische Studie in Klassenräten inklusiver Grundschulklassen
Meyn, J. (Speaker)
29.09.2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Wie kann eine gerechte und dezentrale Energiewende gelingen?
Hartmann, E. (Speaker)
29.09.2023Activity: Talk or presentation › talk or presentation in privat or public events › Transfer
Konzeption einer inklusiven naturwissenschaftlichen Lernumgebung im Sinne offenen Forschenden Lernens
Hofer, E. (Speaker)
28.09.2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
17. Treffen des Netzwerkes inklusiver naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht (NinU): Digitalisierung und Inklusion
Abels, S. (Organiser), Hofer, E. (Participant), List, F. (Participant), Sowinski, R. (Participant) & Fietkau, A. (Participant)
27.09.2023 → 29.09.2023Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research