DFG-Researchgroup "Cultures of Critique"
Organisational unit: Projectteam
Organisation profile
The cultural sciences research training group “Cultures of Criticism” undertakes a productive revision of the preconditions, roles and validity claims of critique. On the one hand, new technologies and distribution channels have given rise to a welter of unexpected critical and quasi-critical practices. On the other hand, the very theoretical foundations of critique have come under massive pressure – and so, it seems, has the modern project of critique as a whole. What may be regarded as an act of critique and which agents, expectations and criteria take part, is currently subject to basal negotiation.
The research training group conceives critique as a praxis that is always already culturally situated, while its efficacy rides on comprehensive claims to validity and authority. The phenomena under critique are inseparably interwoven with the forms and media used to represent them. Representation thus appears as the focal point in which widely divergent forms of critique and their heterogeneous cultures lend themselves to comparative discussion. Building on studies of diverse concrete critical practices, the Research Training Group seeks to remap the interaction between critique and culture in the history of modernity up to the present and employ the tools of cultural studies to frame a well founded and timely conception of critique.
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Beate Söntgen
Deputy spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Erich Hörl
Main research areas
Kunstkritik, Medienkritik, Sozialkritik
Zum Verhältnis von feministischer Kritik und Immunität in der Kunst seit den 1960er Jahren. Eine Untersuchung zu Ausgrenzung und Vereinnahmung
Wulff, N. (Speaker)
12.11.2020 → 13.11.2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentations (poster etc.) › Transfer
Worlding – nudges for posthuman play
John, R. (Organiser), Thieroff, S.-C. (Organiser) & Müller, L. M. (Organiser)
27.09.2019 → 28.09.2019Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › artistic events › Transfer
Workshop zu gegenwärtigen Bedingungen von Schreib- und Denkarbeit der Zeitschrift Brand New Life in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kunsthaus Glarus
Lochner, O. (Speaker) & Mehl, I. (Speaker)
23.02.2018 → 25.02.2018Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › External workshops, courses, seminars › Education
Workshop zu gegenwärtigen Bedingungen von Schreib- und Denkarbeit
Mehl, I. (Speaker)
23.02.2018 → 25.02.2018Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › External workshops, courses, seminars › Research
Workshop with Michael Hardt and Kathi Weeks
Kuhn, H. (Moderator) & Hardt, M. (Speaker)
09.05.2017 → 10.05.2017Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research
Workshop "From Models to Monsters. Representing the World Economy and its Discontents"
Sieber, J. (Organiser), Kuhn, H. (Organiser), Boaz, L. (Organiser), Pek, Y. S. (Organiser) & Warnsholdt, C. L. (Moderator)
03.07.2018 → 04.07.2018Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Transfer
Working in context - Garth Evans' Placement at the British Steel Corporation
Jordan, U. (Speaker)
22.08.2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Education
Wo das Land zu Ende ist
Berents-Kemp, C. (Curator)
15.11.2009 → 31.01.2010Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › trade fairs and exhibitions › Transfer
Wien Depot: Podiumsdiskussion
Nigro, R. (Lecturer)
09.11.2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Widerstandsfähigkeit vs. Widerstand. Semantiken der Verletzlichkeit
Schneider, T. (Organiser), Sieber, J. (Organiser) & Wulff, N. (Organiser)
27.01.2022 → 28.01.2022Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Transfer