European Journal of Social Psychology, ‎0046-2772


  1. Erratum: Identity affirmation and social movement support (European Journal of Social Psychology (2007) (7) DOI10.1002/ejsp.473)

    Simon, B., Trötschel, R. & Dähne, D., 09.2008, In: European Journal of Social Psychology. 38, 6, p. i 1 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsComments / Debate / ReportsResearch

  2. When status differences are illegitimate, groups' needs diverge: Testing the needs-based model of reconciliation in contexts of status inequality

    Siem, B., von Oettingen, M., Mummendey, A. & Nadler, A., 03.2013, In: European Journal of Social Psychology. 43, 2, p. 137-148 12 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  3. Identity affirmation and social movement support

    Simon, B., Trötschel, R. & Dähne, D., 10.2008, In: European Journal of Social Psychology. 38, 6, p. 935-946 12 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  4. To help or not to help an outgroup member: The role of the target's individual attributes in resolving potential helpers' motivational conflict

    Siem, B., Lotz-Schmitt, K. & Stürmer, S., 06.2014, In: European Journal of Social Psychology. 44, 4, p. 297-312 16 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  5. Happy but unhealthy: The relationship between social ties and health in an emerging network

    Howell, J. L., Koudenburg, N., Loschelder, D. D., Weston, D., Fransen, K., De Dominicis, S., Gallagher, S. & Haslam, S. A., 01.10.2014, In: European Journal of Social Psychology. 44, 6, p. 612-621 10 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  6. Potential negative consequences of mindfulness in the moral domain

    Schindler, S., Pfattheicher, S. & Reinhard, M. A., 08.2019, In: European Journal of Social Psychology. 49, 5, p. 1055-1069 15 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  7. Antecedents and consequences of autonomy- and dependency-oriented help toward refugees

    Becker, J. C., Ksenofontov, I., Siem, B. & Love, A., 06.2019, In: European Journal of Social Psychology. 49, 4, p. 831-838 8 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  8. (Not) Thinking about you: Differences in victims’ and perpetrators’ self-focus after interpersonal and intergroup transgressions

    Siem, B. & Barth, M., 08.2019, In: European Journal of Social Psychology. 49, 5, p. 1007-1021 15 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    Country-level and individual-level predictors of men's support for gender equality in 42 countries

    Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., Besta, T., Bosson, J. K., Jurek, P., Vandello, J. A., Best, D. L., Wlodarczyk, A., Safdar, S., Zawisza, M., Żadkowska, M., Sobiecki, J., Agyemang, C. B., Akbaş, G., Ammirati, S., Anderson, J., Anjum, G., Aruta, J. J. B. R., Ashraf, M., Bakaitytė, A., Bi, C., Becker, M., Bender, M., Bërxulli, D., Bosak, J., Daalmans, S., Dandy, J., de Lemus, S., Dvorianchikov, N., Etchezahar, E., Froehlich, L., Gavreliuc, A., Gavreliuc, D., Gomez, Á., Greijdanus, H., Grigoryan, A., Hale, M. L., Hämer, H., Hoorens, V., Hutchings, P. B., Jensen, D. H., Kelmendi, K., Khachatryan, N., Kinahan, M., Kozlowski, D., Lauri, M. A., Li, J., Maitner, A. T., Makashvili, A., Mancini, T., Martiny, S. E., Đorđević, J. M., Moreno-Bella, E., Moscatelli, S., Bryan Moynihan, A., Muller, D., Ochoa, D., Adebayo, S. O., Pacilli, M. G., Palacio, J., Patnaik, S., Pavlopoulos, V., Piterová, I., Puzio, A., Pyrkosz-Pacyna, J., Rentería-Pérez, E., Rousseaux, T., Sainz, M., Salvati, M., Samekin, A., García-Sánchez, E., Schindler, S., Sherbaji, S., Sobhie, R., Sulejmanović, D., Sullivan, K. E., Torre, B., Torres, C. V., Ungaretti, J., Valshtein, T., Van Laar, C., van der Noll, J., Vasiutynskyi, V., Vohra, N., Zapata-Calvente, A. L. & Žukauskienė, R., 01.10.2020, In: European Journal of Social Psychology. 50, 6, p. 1276-1291 16 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  10. Subjective status and perceived legitimacy across countries

    Brandt, M. J., Kuppens, T., Spears, R., Andrighetto, L., Autin, F., Babincak, P., Badea, C., Bae, J., Batruch, A., Becker, J. C., Bocian, K., Bodroža, B., Bourguignon, D., Bukowski, M., Butera, F., Butler, S. E., Chryssochoou, X., Conway, P., Crawford, J. T., Croizet, J. C., de Lemus, S., Degner, J., Dragon, P., Durante, F., Easterbrook, M. J., Essien, I., Forgas, J. P., González, R., Graf, S., Halama, P., Han, G., Hong, R. Y., Houdek, P., Igou, E. R., Inbar, Y., Jetten, J., Jimenez Leal, W., Jiménez-Moya, G., Karunagharan, J. K., Kende, A., Korzh, M., Laham, S. M., Lammers, J., Lim, L., Manstead, A. S. R., Međedović, J., Melton, Z. J., Motyl, M., Ntani, S., Owuamalam, C. K., Peker, M., Platow, M. J., Prims, J. P., Reyna, C., Rubin, M., Saab, R., Sankaran, S., Shepherd, L., Sibley, C. G., Sobkow, A., Spruyt, B., Stroebaek, P., Sümer, N., Sweetman, J., Teixeira, C. P., Toma, C., Ujhelyi, A., van der Toorn, J., van Hiel, A., Vásquez-Echeverría, A., Vazquez, A., Vianello, M., Vranka, M., Yzerbyt, V. & Zimmerman, J. L., 01.08.2020, In: European Journal of Social Psychology. 50, 5, p. 921-942 22 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

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