Euro-Pessimism: Misunderstanding or Just Realism?


  • Michelangelo Vercesi


TitleEuro-Pessimism: Misunderstanding or Just Realism?
Degree of recognitionInternational
Media name/outletBlogeintrag
Media typeWeb
DescriptionThe European Union: An Obituary is more than a requiem for the European Union. It is a harsh critique of the European project as it has developed, of the main drivers of the integration process, and of the very pillars on which Europe stands. The author, historian John Gillingham of the University of Missouri, opts for a long-term perspective to study what he deems to be the main shortcomings of the European project. From the first chapter to the Postscript, he dissects the main phases of the EU’s building process, from its historical premises to present challenges. The approach is historical and the analysis focused on economic as well as political (structural and agentic) drives behind the EU. In a nutshell, the author’s thesis is that the EU is an institution whose foundations are weak; an institution that is facing serious challenges and that is inherently unfit to cope with its problems. Thus, the EU would need reconsideration and urgent reforms to have chances to survive. It is no surprise that the last chapter’s title mentions the possibility of an “endgame” for Europe. Gillingham mixes realist analysis with value-laden assessments. And this leads to what could be considered too pessimistic (even if somehow reasonable) a view of the EU.
PersonsMichelangelo Vercesi
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