Kinetic Investigation of Ideal Multipole Resonance Probe

Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

Junbo Gong - Speaker

Sebastian Wilczek - Coauthor

Jens Martin Oberrath - Coauthor

Denis Eremin - Coauthor

Michael Friedrichs - Coauthor

Ralf Peter Brinkmann - Coauthor

    Ac­tive Plas­ma Re­so­nan­ce Spec­trosco­py (APRS) de­no­tes a class of in­dus­try-com­pa­ti­ble plas­ma dia­gnostic me­thods which uti­li­ze the na­tu­ral abi­li­ty of plas­mas to re­so­na­te on or near the elec­tron plas­ma fre­quen­cy. One par­ti­cu­lar rea­liza­t­i­on of APRS with a high de­gree of geo­me­tric and elec­tric sym­me­try is Mul­ti­po­le Re­so­nan­ce Probe (MRP). The Ideal MRP (IMRP) is an even more sym­me­tric idea­liza­t­i­on which is sui­ted for theo­re­ti­cal in­ves­ti­ga­ti­ons. In this work, a spec­tral ki­ne­tic sche­me is pre­sen­ted to in­ves­ti­ga­te the be­ha­vi­or of the IMRP in the low pres­su­re re­gime. The sche­me con­sists of two mo­du­les, the par­ti­cles pus­her and the field sol­ver. Howe­ver, due to the ve­lo­ci­ty dif­fe­rence, the elec­trons are trea­ted as par­ti­cles whe­re­as the ions are only con­s­i­de­red as sta­tio­na­ry back­ground. The par­ti­cle pus­her in­te­gra­tes the equa­ti­ons of mo­ti­on for the stu­died par­ti­cles. The Pois­son sol­ver de­ter­mi­nes the elec­tric field at each par­ti­cle po­si­ti­on. The pro­po­sed me­thod over­co­mes the li­mi­ta­ti­on of the cold plas­ma model and co­vers ki­ne­tic ef­fects like col­li­si­onless dam­ping.


    DPG Frühjahrstagung 2017


    Bremen, Germany

    Event: Conference