Planning and control of logistics for offshore wind farms

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschung


  • B. Scholz-Reiter
  • M. Lütjen
  • J. Heger
  • A. Schweizer
Construction and utilization of offshore wind farms will increase within the next years. So far the first German offshore wind farm was constructed and put into operation by "Alpha Ventus". Experiences illustrate that bad weather conditions are the main cause for delays in transport, handling and installation of offshore wind farms. This can lead to extensive project delays of several months. The main objective of current logistical research activities is the robust design of planning and control methods for offshore installations. In this study, the basic conditions and existing disturbances of supply chains for offshore installations are analyzed. Based on these results, a planning and control concept will be introduced. Additionally, a mathematical model using mixed integer linear programming (MILP) is developed. It calculates the optimal installation schedule for offshore wind farms by observing different weather conditions. The model can be used to reduce vessel operation times in dependence on seasonal or up-to-date weather forecasts.
TitelAdvances in Mathematical and Computational Methods - 12th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, MACMESE'10
Anzahl der Seiten6
VerlagWorld Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society - WSEAS
ISBN (Print)978-960474243-1
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2010
Extern publiziertJa
Veranstaltung12th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering - MACMESE 10 - Centro de Investigacao sobre Espaco e Organizacoes (CIEO), Faro, Portugal
Dauer: 03.11.201005.11.2010
Konferenznummer: 12

Bibliographische Notiz

Cited By :1

Export Date: 23 May 2016

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  • Installation scheduling, Maritime logistics, Milp, Offshore wind farm, Supply chain
  • Ingenieurwissenschaften