Newsfeed clutter as an inhibitor of sensemaking

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet


As a central functionality of SNSs, the newsfeed is responsible for the way, how content is presented. This paper investigates the implications of current content presentation on Facebook, which has appeared to be a matter of users' criticism. Leaning on the communication theory, we conceptualize clutter on a newsfeed as noise that hinders the receiver's adequate message decoding (i.e., sensemaking). We further operationalize newsfeed clutter via perceived disorder, information overload, and system feature overload. Our participants browsed their Facebook newsfeed for at least 5 minutes. The follow-up survey results provide partial support for our hypotheses, with only perceived disorder significantly associated with lower sensemaking. These findings shed new light on user experience and underpin the importance of SNSs as communication systems, adding to the existent literature on the dark sides of social media.

Titel27th Annual Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2021
VerlagAssociation for Information Systems
ISBN (elektronisch)978-1-7336325-8-4
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2021
Extern publiziertJa
Veranstaltung27th Annual Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2021 - Virtual, Online
Dauer: 09.08.202113.08.2021

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© AMCIS 2021.