Key Competencies for Sustainable Development: What Competencies Should Be Developed in Education For Sustainable Development?

Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

Marco Rieckmann - Speaker

    This roundtable aims to exchange ideas about concepts of key competencies that are crucial for thinking and acting in terms of sustainable development and thus should be central objectives of education for sustainable development (ESD).

    Introductorily, the results of an international Delphi study will be presented that analysed the question which individual key competencies are crucial for understanding the central challenges of the world society and for shaping it in terms of sustainable development. The Delphi study involved selected ESD experts both from science and educational practice from Europe (Germany, UK) and Latin America (Chile, Ecuador, Mexico). The results of the study show common grounds, but also main differences between the European and Latin-American concepts of key competencies relevant for sustainable development. Furthermore, the results will be linked to and compared with other international concepts such as the OECD’s DeSeCo competencies, sustainability literacy and sustainability skills.

    After this introduction, an interactive discussion will be realised about the usefulness of the Delphi study’s results. Furthermore, the roundtable participants will share their experiences with different concepts of sustainability-relevant competencies/skills and their application in ESD teaching and learning settings.

    Vortrag mit anschließendem Roundtable


    6th World Environmental Education Congress - 2011: Explore, Experience, Educate


    Brisbane, Australia

    Event: Conference


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