Mobility, Media, and the Experiences of Airbnb’s Aesthetic Regime

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in SammelwerkenForschungbegutachtet


This chapter charts the process of change in a research project. It not only revealed results as data was collected, but the actual process of data gathering emerged as an equally important study in its own right. While researching mundane behaviors of people riding bikes in public spaces, deeper epistemological and ontological concerns were raised about my own role as a mobile researcher. Reviewing a large data set of video recordings (with embedded GPS data), I began to understand how the city had reshaped my own behaviors and understandings over time.
TitelExperiencing Networked Urban Mobilities : Practices, Flows, Methods
HerausgeberMalene Freundendal-Pedersen, Katrine Hartmann-Petersen, Emmy Laura Perez Fjalland
Anzahl der Seiten5
ErscheinungsortNew York
VerlagRoutledge Taylor & Francis Group
ISBN (Print)9781138712317
ISBN (elektronisch)9781351778510, 9781315200255
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 19.12.2017


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