Behavioural patterns of nocturnal carabid beetles determined by direct observations under red-light conditions

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschung


Information on the locomotory activity of carabid beetles in their habitats has to date mostly been obtained by pitfall trapping or by telemetric methods (e.g. harmonic radar). However, both methods have certain shortcomings, such as the dependency on running activity in the case of pitfall traps or the restricted applicability for smaller species due to the weight of transponders (telemetric methods). Both pitfall trapping and telemetric methods allow only several observations per hour or day and, consequently, an estimation of merely the minimum distance covered. A continuous observation of a beetle in the field, however, can reveal important behavioural traits, such as feeding or mating and dependency on habitat characteristics ...
TitelBack to the roots and back to the future : Towards a New Synthesis Between Taxonomic, Ecological and Biogeographical Approaches in Carabidology
HerausgeberL. Penev, T.L. Erwin, Thomas Assmann
Anzahl der Seiten15
VerlagPensoft Publishers Ltd.
ISBN (Print)978-9546423252, 9546423254
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2008
Veranstaltung13th European Carabidologists' Meeting - 2007: Back to the roots or back to the future? Towards a new synthesis between taxonomic, ecological, and biogeographical approaches in carabidology - Blagoevgrad, Bulgarien
Dauer: 20.08.200724.08.2007
Konferenznummer: 13