MI-RAP - Music Industry Resilience Acceleration Programme, Subproject 8
Projekt: Forschung
- Ahlers, Michael (Wissenschaftliche Projektleitung)
The music sector is a bridge between two forces: the arts and business. Only a resilient, interconnected, and innovative music ecosystem can lay the groundwork for artists to thrive, reach new audiences, and be financially successful. The sector is currently challenged by a difficult economic environment brought on by external shocks (COVID-to thrive, reach new audiences, and be financially successful. The sector is currently challenged by a difficult economic environment brought on by external shocks (COVID-19, Climate Change) and disruptive technologies. Three main developments endanger its resilience: a shortage of skilled workers; the emergence of new technologies and19, Climate Change) and disruptive technologies. Three main developments endanger its resilience: a shortage of skilled workers; the emergence of new technologies and business models (streaming, AI); and how to green a sector that is based on transnational music exchange. Business support organisations, sectoral agencies and localbusiness models (streaming, AI); and how to green a sector that is based on transnational music exchange. Business support organisations, sectoral agencies and local public authorities have the leverage to increase the sector’s resilience in their local music ecosystems. However, they are lacking knowledge, capacities and tools necessarypublic authorities have the leverage to increase the sector’s resilience in their local music ecosystems. However, they are lacking knowledge, capacities and tools necessary to put resilience-boosting activities into action.to put resilience-boosting activities into action.
The solution Music Industry Resilience Acceleration Programme (MI-RAP) will address this challenge through:The solution Music Industry Resilience Acceleration Programme (MI-RAP) will address this challenge through:
1) Tailored training programs/campaigns to provide workers with skills relevant to work in a changing industry1) Tailored training programs/campaigns to provide workers with skills relevant to work in a changing industry
2) Strategies/action plans to foster innovation and inner/cross-sectoral collaborations2) Strategies/action plans to foster innovation and inner/cross-sectoral collaborations
3) Guidance to support green practices for resource-intensive music events3) Guidance to support green practices for resource-intensive music events
The MI-RAP will be available on an online resource hub and transferable to actors outside of the partnership. Its implementation will support music businesses and artists toThe MI-RAP will be available on an online resource hub and transferable to actors outside of the partnership. Its implementation will support music businesses and artists to flourish, be innovative, and prosperous.flourish, be innovative, and prosperous.
The solution Music Industry Resilience Acceleration Programme (MI-RAP) will address this challenge through:The solution Music Industry Resilience Acceleration Programme (MI-RAP) will address this challenge through:
1) Tailored training programs/campaigns to provide workers with skills relevant to work in a changing industry1) Tailored training programs/campaigns to provide workers with skills relevant to work in a changing industry
2) Strategies/action plans to foster innovation and inner/cross-sectoral collaborations2) Strategies/action plans to foster innovation and inner/cross-sectoral collaborations
3) Guidance to support green practices for resource-intensive music events3) Guidance to support green practices for resource-intensive music events
The MI-RAP will be available on an online resource hub and transferable to actors outside of the partnership. Its implementation will support music businesses and artists toThe MI-RAP will be available on an online resource hub and transferable to actors outside of the partnership. Its implementation will support music businesses and artists to flourish, be innovative, and prosperous.flourish, be innovative, and prosperous.
Akronym | MI-RAP |
Status | Laufend |
Zeitraum | 01.11.23 → 31.10.26 |