Green living and sustainability in the Community

Projekt: Praxisprojekt


  • European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong
  • The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices (Brussels)


In a globalised twenty-first century society, the young generation in both Hong Kong and Europe have lots of room to learn about the culture and the lifestyle of each other. There is a strong commonality linking both territories, in that both see the importance of sustainable development, and for secondary school students to broaden their horizons through exchanging ideas and learning from each other.

With an aim at enhancing Hong Kong-Europe relations on the academic front, the European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong (EUAP) realises the need to strengthen direct people-to-people exchange amongst the youth and promote sustainability. The EUAP together with the European Studies Programme of the Hong Kong Baptist University have therefore launched this pilot e-learning project on a theme of “Green Living and Sustainability in the Community”.