International Conference Taking care of things

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche und künstlerische VeranstaltungenExternen Workshops, Kursen, SeminarenTransfer

Jan Torge Claußen - Teilnehmer*in

    Taking care of things

    From the perspective of current theoretical approaches the figure of the archive seems to have lost its central status and its fever. Meanwhile, in our medial and cultural set-up new (kinds of) archives seem to crop up everywhere, accelerated by new means of production and distribution. Cultural repertoires are being remixed alongside technological repositories – often giving new life to almost forgotten relics. Ever more things, valuables, processes, projects, constituencies, even movements, need to be taken care of. It is not only cultural and critical theory that is being challenged, but also law, the natural sciences and design, alongside other applied sciences. But what are the complex dynamics and contexts of these new (non-)archives? Do they really make sense? And if so, by and for whom?

    To address these questions, 'Taking Care of Things!' focuses on the transformation of things – analog and digital – into life-cycles and specific practices of care. This will be done in different thematic groups dealing with topics, like Mesh Media!, Civil Archaeology, Measure Drones, Unearthing the Archive, Translating Ontologies and Extinction in Context.

    This workshop will address such fundamental changes in archiving and objects by generating practices and chances to take care of things. That is, we will seek to extend (or sometimes end) the life-cycle of objects not by simply preserving them (this usually guarantees they will be forgotten), but rather through acts that respond, react, and/or reuse.

    'Taking Care of Things!' will be based at and operating from the Stadtarchiv Lüneburg, the city's rich and still to-be-further-explored archive, headed by Danny Kolbe.

    Präsentation zum Interface-Design und Konzept einer interaktiven Videoplattform
    International Conference Taking care of things


    International Conference Taking care of things: Archives – Life-Cycles – Care


    Lüneburg, Deutschland

    Veranstaltung: Workshop

    Zuletzt angesehen


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