"Going Green" – Teaching Sustainability and ICC in a German-American Online Co-operation Project

Aktivität: Vorträge und GastvorlesungenVorträge in anderen VeranstaltungenLehre

Joannis Kaliampos - Sprecher*in

'Going Green' is an intercultural blended-learning project and the product of a partnership between the U.S. Embassy in Berlin, the University of Lüneburg, and LIFE e.V. In this project, German and U.S. students explore approaches to sustainable development collaboratively through an e-learning platform (Moodle). Participants navigate through web 2.0 applications and social media, and exchange their findings. They will publish their local initiatives online and contribute them to a concluding student conference. In this workshop, exemplary task-cycles will be presented and major pitfalls and best practice examples from participant courses will be discussed. Hands-on task suggestions and useful web-applications relevant for other classroom topics and EFL settings will be explored. The project is open to all interested teachers and learners; materials can be used online and offline (even if curricula or time-frames do not allow for an extensive project participation). It targets the key topic ‘Nature and Environment’ in the Hesse state curriculum for year 11.


Fachforum English 2014 des Landesschulamts und der Lehrkräfteakademie Hessen : Kooperativ arbeiten - individuell lernen

03.09.14 → …

Kirchhain, Deutschland

Veranstaltung: Workshop
