Frontier Zones International Summer School 2017

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche und künstlerische VeranstaltungenExternen Workshops, Kursen, SeminarenForschung

Rolf Großmann - Sprecher*in

What are frontier zones in modern urban cities? The summer school aims to explore and invent the urban with the method of documentary filmmaking and (sound-) fieldrecording as media to provide new insights and readings of the contemporary city. Our mode of working is strongly collaborative. Between participants and teachers as with the people we film and record on the streets of São Paulo. There is no neutral observer, but authors with different cultural and personal backgrounds.

This Summer School will be hosted by several academic partners from Brazil and Germany including:
IAU-USP Institute of Architecture and Urbanism USP, Sao Carlos
Leuphana University, Lüneburg
HCU HafenCity University, Hamburg
Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf (HFF), Potsdam
Nomads.usp Center for Interactive Living Studies USP, Sao Carlos
Frontier Zones International Summer School 2017


Frontier Zones International Summer School 2017


São Paulo, Brasilien

Veranstaltung: Sonstiges

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