European Educational Research Journal (Fachzeitschrift)

Aktivität: Herausgebertätigkeit und Begutachtung von Publikationen(Mit-) Herausgabe von ZeitschriftenForschung

Ellen Kollender - Herausgeber*in

Dorothee Schwendowius - Herausgeber*in

    Call for Papers for the Special Issue: "New Relations of Inclusion and Exclusion? Educational Institutions in the Context of Forced Migration from Ukraine", European Educational Research Journal (EERJ). Publication is planned for November, 2025.
    This special issue aims to identify and analyse patterns, practices and routines of inclusion/exclusion that have emerged in and through educational institutions in the course of current forced migrations. It seeks to explore old and new differentiations and demarcations taking place in educational institutions and how they are intertwined with educational policies, administrative regulations as well as discourses on migration, integration and asylum in different European nation-states. Moreover, this special issue aims to identify practices which (have) encourage(d) processes of change, reflection and learning in terms of shaping more inclu- sive/nondiscriminatory institutional structures, practices and professional knowledge repertoires in educational institutions related to forced migration in recent years.