131st MLA Annual Convention 2016

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche und künstlerische VeranstaltungenKonferenzenForschung

Ulrike Steierwald - Sprecher*in

Vortrag: Illness as Text - Aesthetical Denial of Diagnosis. Vortrag

Illness as Text
Aesthetical Denial of Diagnosis
The coincidence of the discourse of medicine and aesthetics has been a specific interplay since the enlightenment which is characterized by diagnostics, observation and determination. Psychological diagnostics and classification are unthinkable without social agreement and fixation of pathological indicators. The specific criteria for the classification of illness depend on the thinking of origin, sexuality, inheritance and evolution which determine the physiological and psychological standards and disorders particularly represented in the aesthetics of body and soul. These iconic and linguistic representations of disorder are strikingly relevant in contemporary literature as well as in the arts. Based on Illness as metaphor by Susan Sontag I shall try to figure out an alternative reading of illness as text. It’s about the materiality of the human body and the stories it tells.
My contribution outlines the contradictions encountered when literally configurations of bodies elude the determinations of diagnosis and interpretation. It lays stress on specific feminist approaches. Writers as well as protagonists of contemporary visual arts, for example Nathalie Djurberg or Eva Kotátková, undermine the powerful historical tradition of physical imposition, separation and ejection. Literary texts in German language by Friederike Mayröcker, Herta Müller, Kathrin Schmidt or Elfriede Jelinek, to name but a few, embody mental and physical conditions creating a literary space for being beyond medical disciplinary measures.
131st MLA Annual Convention 2016


131st MLA Annual Convention 2016


Austin, Texas, USA / Vereinigte Staaten

Veranstaltung: Konferenz

Zuletzt angesehen


  1. Art effectuating social change
  2. The dawn of chelonian research
  3. Karl Mays "Und Friede auf Erden!"
  4. Klatsch als müßiges Geschwätz?
  5. Das Holocaust-Mahnmal in Berlin
  6. Walter Benjamin zur Einführung
  7. Mining positional data streams
  8. Regulating the sharing economy
  9. Pictorialism (prelude and fugue)
  10. Modische Moderne, moderne Moral
  11. Wiedersprüchliche Fundierungen
  12. Walter Benjamin zur Einführung
  13. Snowdrops in West Philadelphia
  14. Mela Hartwig: Ekstasen. Novellen
  15. Individual boundary management
  16. Kinderliterarisches Übersetzen
  17. Joe Lederer: Das Mädchen George
  18. Gina Kaus: Die Verliebten. Roman
  19. Villers, Alexander (Heinrich) von
  20. Walter Benjamin zur Einführung
  21. Der Autobiograph als Botaniker
  22. "Diese Zeit ist nicht die meine..."
  23. The adaptive nature of culture
  24. Neue Gespräche - Alte Konflikte
  25. Ästhetische Nuss oder Reliquie
  26. Stadtentwicklung und Migration
  27. Immanente/ökonomische Trinität
  28. Ein problematisches Verhältnis
  29. Werte- und Wertewandelforschung
  30. Multimedia in der Umweltbildung
  31. From being there to being aware
  32. Shared mobility business models
  33. Audiogestaltung und neue Medien
  34. Weimar - Archäologie eines Ortes
  35. The Objects of Scientific Study
  36. New frontiers in arts sociology
  37. Annäherung an die Konzertstätte
  38. Kolonialismus und Modernekritik
  39. Die unbewusste Karte des Gemüts
  40. Steuervermeidung im Binnenmarkt
  41. Spielräume des Geschlechtlichen
  42. The Use of Culture in Education
  43. Victim, Perpetrator, or What Else?
  44. L’« été de l’accueil » en Allemagne
  45. BAuA-Working Time Survey (BAuA-WTS)
  46. Losses and Gains in Translation
  47. Von der Industrie in die Schule
  48. Grundkurs christliche Theologie
  49. Climate and animal distribution