10th Annual Cultural Studies Association Conference 2012

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche und künstlerische VeranstaltungenKonferenzenForschung

Miriam Stehling - Sprecher*in

    The Production of Localities through Transcultural Television Formats and the Negotiation of Ambivalences in Everyday Life

    Reality television formats are popular with audiences around the world. A successful television format is sold to other countries and is adapted to the particular local context. Using the case of the Top Model-format, this paper presents results from a reception study with young female viewers in Germany and the USA. By examining the appropriation processes of America’s and Germany’s Next Top Model through focus group interviews, results of the study show that viewers use the television format to negotiate ambivalences in their everyday life und thus make sense of the format within their very particular ‘locality’ as a central reference point of media appropriation. Drawing on the theoretical concept of governmentality and focusing on the enterprising self addressed particularly in casting shows, the study helps to understand the ambivalent fascination of reality television and shows cultural differences as well as transcultural similarities in the reception process of television formats.
    10th Annual Cultural Studies Association Conference 2012


    10th Annual Cultural Studies Association Conference 2012 : Culture Matters


    San Diego, USA / Vereinigte Staaten

    Veranstaltung: Konferenz

    Zuletzt angesehen


    1. 1. Kongress der Fachgruppe Verkehrspsychologie - DGPs 2015
    2. Wissenschaftliche Kommission Organisation Workshop 2017
    3. Risk preferences under heterogeneous environmental risk
    4. Plasma shock wave simulation for laser shock processing
    5. Journal for Educational Research Online (Fachzeitschrift)
    6. EASP Virtual Meeting on the Social Psychology of Gender
    7. Deutscher Bundestag: Stellungnahme zum Entwurf einer SES
    8. Der Platz der Seelsorge in einer sorgenden Gesellschaft
    9. Corporate Responsibility Research Conference - CRRC 2017
    10. BAFA Annual Conference with Doctoral Masterclasses 2023
    11. What remains to be done to achieve open, global science
    12. TMS - Management Studies International Conferences 2012
    13. The Process of Dividuation and the Nebula of Anonymity
    14. Semiotische Grundlagen theologischer Kulturgutanalysen
    15. Poethics of Aesthetics and the Politics of the Concept
    16. Meaningful Classroom Music: A Blended Learning Approach
    17. Latenzen zwischen Kunstwissenschaft und Weltanschauung
    18. International Conference on Exploring Advertising 2012
    19. Gutachterbeauftragung zum Hessischen Bibliotheksgesetz
    20. Geschichte, Theorie und Praxis des Popjournalismus 2020
    21. "Crowds and Party" Reading Workshop with Jody Dean - 2019
    22. Arbeitskreistreffen Wandlungsfähige Produktionssysteme
    23. Ansys High Frequency Simulation Conference - AHFSC 2013
    24. 1. Niedersächsischer Workshop in Applied Economics 2012
    25. Unraveling the Complexity of U.S. Presidential Approval
    26. Perspectives on the Concept of Fashion in Romanticism
    27. Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (Externe Organisation)
    28. GAME : the Italian journal of game studies (Zeitschrift)
    29. Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Medienpädagogik (DGfE) 2023
    30. Festival TOKSI-LINE: feminism – environment – geopolitics
    31. “Distinguished Scholars Seminar” with Royston Greenwood
    32. Die interaktive Workshop Feminist Data Politics - 2021
    33. Aging and Distal Effect Anticipation when Using Tools
    34. Social-ecological Systems Institute (SESI) (Organisation)
    35. Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica (Fachzeitschrift)
    36. Indigenous representative at COP23 2017, Weaving Ties
    37. Experimente in den Sozialwissenschaften: Methodenkurs
    38. EUSTM: European Steps TowardsSpace Trqffic Management
    39. 2. Netzwerktagung Medienkompetenz Sachsen-Anhalt - 2013
    40. 12. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung - 2013