Shifting Immediations: Fields of Experience across Media Art and Design

Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearchpeer-review


This paper explores the concept of fields of experienceas a way to engage with the conditions of emergence of what we might call sentience. As a process of fielding, sensation and processes of sense-making are of an emergent and entangled quality in the overall ecology of experience. We specifically wish to emphasize the dynamics of the closely interrelated conditions for sensing and sense-making –what we concep-tualize as ‘shiftingimmedations’ -and its affective politics. Rather than transgression, ‘shifting’ foregrounds the some-times almost imperceptible reorientations of fields of experi-ence that are lived immediately as tendencies and vectors for change (feeling the non-sensuous). In particular, we wish to zoom in on specific practices and technologies that might modulate and reorient such experiential fields. We do so by analyzing two cases that emphasize the emergent relations be-tween digital and interactive technologies and their fielding potential; BERMUDAis an interactive installation that at-tempts to relay affective intensity into tendencies for collec-tive action, whereas the interventions of etcetera emphasize time-sensitive modulations of experience. Exploring these cases,we ask how experiential fields and shifting immedia-tions might allow us to think and act towards new forms of engaging in a politics of sentience beyond the human subject
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 26th International Symposium of Electronic Arts - ISEA 2020 : Why Sentience?
Number of pages7
Place of PublicationMontreal (Quebec)
PublisherPrintemps Numerique Canada
Publication date11.2020
ISBN (print)978-2-9816413-2-8
Publication statusPublished - 11.2020
Event26th International Symposium on Electronic Art - ISEA2020: Why sentience? - Montreal, Canada
Duration: 13.10.202018.10.2020
Conference number: 26

    Research areas

  • Cultural studies - interaction design, media art, activism, gilbert simondon, politics of affect, pure experience, counterpower, more-than-human