Scale-dependent diversity patterns affect spider assemblages of two contrasting forest ecosystems

Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review


Spiders are important generalist predators in forests. However, differences in assemblage structure and diversity can have consequences for their functional impact. Such differences are particularly evident across latitudes, and their analysis can help to generate a better understanding of region-specific characteristics of predator assemblages. Here, we analyse the relationships between species richness, family richness and functional diversity (FD) as well as α- and β-components of epigeic spider diversity in semi-natural temperate and subtropical forest sites. As expected, within-plot and overall spider species and family richness were higher in the subtropical plots. In contrast, local FD within plots was similar between sites, and differences in FD only became evident at larger spatial scales due to higher species turnover in the subtropical forests. Our study indicates that the functional effects of predator assemblages can change across spatial scales. We discuss how differences in richness and functional diversity between contrasting forest ecosystems can depend on environmental heterogeneity and the effects of species filters acting at local scales. The high turnover observed in the species-rich subtropical forests also requires a more regional perspective for the conservation of the overall diversity and the ecological functions of predators than in less diverse forests, as strategies need to account for the large spatial heterogeneity among plots.
Original languageEnglish
JournalActa Oecologica
Pages (from-to)17-22
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 05.2013

    Research areas

  • Ecosystems Research - BEF China, Beta-diversity, Ecosystem function, Latitude, Plant diversity, Predators, Spatial scale, Turnover