Organization as communication: Perspectives in dialogue

Research output: Books and anthologiesMonographsResearchpeer-review


The idea that communication constitutes organization (CCO) provides a unique perspective to organization studies by highlighting the fundamental and formative role of communication for organizational phenomena of various kinds. The book features original works that address the idea of organization as communication in the light of other theories, related concepts, as well as the tension between strategy and emergence. The first set of chapters discusses the idea of organization communication in the light of critical works of European scholars (Habermas, Honneth, and Günther). The second set of chapters reflects on a range of concepts such as institutions, routines, and leadership from a CCO perspective. The final set of chapters examines the tension between strategic and emergent communication by drawing on new methodology and empirical evidence. The chapters are set into dialogue with some of the most prominent proponents of CCO scholarship. The book offers an important contribution to CCO thinking by adding European perspectives on organization as communication. It connects the primarily North American approach and European traditions of theoretical thought to existing debates in communication and organization studies.

Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationNew York
PublisherRoutledge Taylor & Francis Group
Number of pages235
ISBN (print)9781138651623
ISBN (electronic)9781315624297, 9781317228554
Publication statusPublished - 01.12.2016


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