Handbook of Philosophy of Management

Research output: Books and anthologiesCollected editions and anthologiesResearch


The first comprehensive handbook to map out the field of philosophy of management

Sets the terms of reference for philosophy of management as a discipline in its own right

Encourages both managers and researchers to develop the discipline of thinking from a player-practitioner point of view

Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCham
PublisherSpringer International Publishing AG
Number of pages1,089
ISBN (print)978-3-319-48352-8
ISBN (electronic)978-3-030-76605-4
Publication statusPublished - 23.07.2022

Publication series

NameHandbooks in Philosophy Series
PublisherSpringer International
ISSN (Print)2524-4361
ISSN (electronic)2524-437X

    Research areas

  • Management studies - cross cultural management, ethical policy, human flourishing in social institutions, management aesthetics, management ethics, management of social norms, management of social order, management paradigms, mentality in organization, moral philosophy of management, philosophical foundations of management, philosophy in management, philosophy in practice, philosophy of management, reflection in practice, social and political philosophy of management

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