How passion in entrepreneurship develops over time: A self-regulation perspective

Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review


We adopt a self-regulation perspective to present a model of the development of passion in entrepreneurship. We argue that entrepreneurial self-efficacy and performance influence the two components of passion—positive feelings and identity centrality—over shorter and longer time horizons, respectively. Furthermore, we argue for the recursive effects of passion on entrepreneurial self-efficacy and performance. Three longitudinal studies with measurements over three weeks (n = 65) and three months (n = 150 and n = 180) support our hypotheses. We contribute to a theory of passion that integrates the different time horizons over which the components of passion change.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEntrepreneurship: Theory and Practice
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)985-1018
Number of pages34
Publication statusPublished - 01.07.2022

Bibliographical note

This research was supported by German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst [DAAD]; ID 50020279 and ID 54391079). Furthermore, we would like to express our gratitude toward the German Commission for UNESCO and the BASF Stiftung for supporting the STEP project. We are grateful to Miriam Stark and Kim Marie Bischoff for their support in the set-up of this study. We also thank Tabea Sarah Müller, Martine Jelden, Daniel Müller, Tiziano Gabriele Tonin, Johannes Max Hilck, and Jan Paap for their support in collecting the data. Special thanks go to the STEP team at University of Dar es Salaam, in particular Lemayon Melyoki and Cosmas Moanja, for their support in implementing the STEP training.

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2020.


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