Die an die Schüler/-innen gerichtete Sprache (SgS) - Studien zur Veränderung der Lehrer/-innensprache von der Grundschule bis zur Oberstufe

Research output: Books and anthologiesMonographsResearchpeer-review


Do teachers of German and biology shift the ways they talk to students between primary and secondary school, increasing their emphasis on conceptual literacy? Do they employ linguistic interactional tools in their teaching to help their students acquire relevant vocabulary? This video study focuses on teacher talk across four school grades and two curriculum subjects.
Translated title of the contributionAdaptive teacher talk. Student directed speech (sds) from primary to secondary school
Original languageGerman
Place of PublicationBerlin, Boston
PublisherWalter de Gruyter GmbH
Number of pages615
ISBN (print)978-3-11-056610-9, 9783110736403
ISBN (electronic)978-3-11-056900-1
Publication statusPublished - 17.12.2018
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameReihe Germanistische Linguistik
Publisherde Gruyter
ISSN (electronic)0344-6778