AAL-Onto: A Formal Representation of RAALI Integration Profiles

Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearchpeer-review


  • Ralph Welge
  • Björn-Helge Busch
  • Klaus Kabitzsch
  • Janina Laurila-Dürsch
  • Stefan Heusinger
  • Myriam Lipprandt
  • Marco Eichelberg
  • Elke Eichenberg
  • Heike Engelien
  • Murat Gök
  • Guido Moritz
  • Andreas Hein
  • Tim Dutz
The integration and commissioning of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) systems are time consuming and complicated. The lack of interoperability of available AAL system components has to be considered as an obstacle especially for innovative SMEs. In order to ease integration and commissioning of systems, knowledge based methods should be taken into account to enable innovative characteristics such as design automation, self-configuration and self-management. Semantic technologies are suitable instruments for mastering the problems of interoperability of heterogeneous and distributed systems. As an important prerequisite for the emergence of knowledge-based assistance functions a standard for an unambiguous representation of AAL relevant knowledge has to be developed. In this article, the development of an AAL ontology is proposed as a formal basis for knowledge-based system functions. A prototype of an AAL specific ontology engineering process is presented through the modeling example of a formal representation of a sensor block that is part of an AAL Integration Profile proposed by the RAALI project consortium.
Translated title of the contributionAAL-Onto: Eine formale Repräsentation von RAALI-Integrationsprofilen
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAmbient Assisted Living : 7. AAL-Kongress 2014 Berlin, Germany, January 21-22, 2014
EditorsReiner Wichert, Helmut Klausing
Number of pages14
Publication date2015
ISBN (print)978-3-319-11865-9
ISBN (electronic)978-3-319-11866-6
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Event7. Kongress und Ausstellung zu Alltagsunterstützenden Assistenzlösungen / Active Assisted Living - AAL 2014 - Berlin, Germany
Duration: 21.01.201421.01.2014
Conference number: 7

    Research areas

  • Informatics - Biometrical Engineering, R&D Technology Policy, Aging, Geriatrics, Gerontology, Data Path, Function Block, Ambient Assist Live, Semantic Technology, Building Automation