Professorship for Social Pedagogy specialized in Research on Vocational Education and Didactics

Organisational unit: Professoship

Organisation profile

The field of work of social pedagogy with the focus on vocational education and didactics is dedicated to qualification issues for social pedagogical professions on the one hand and education and training research in general.

Main research areas

The orientation is along the subject area of qualifications of social professions as well as social pedagogical vocational training and didactics research. This is because the question of how social pedagogical action can be learned is accompanied by attention to the design of social pedagogical vocational training courses. With regard to qualification, several questions arise, ranging from knowledge, conceptual and methodological approaches, fields of action and groups of addressees, organizational frameworks and socio-political issues to reflection and interaction skills. What is needed is an expansion and systematization of social pedagogical vocational training and didactics research, since it is capable of making a significant contribution to professionalization in the area of teaching and learning in social pedagogical vocational training courses. In terms of research methodology, the work is oriented along the lines of qualitative-reconstructive education and training research as well as development-oriented or design-based research. Both higher education and vocational training qualifications are included.

Focal points are among others:
- professionalization
- Research-based learning
- Diversity and inclusion
- Sustainability
- Digitizing teaching-learning formats

  1. Aneignungsprozesse der Relation von Theorie und Praxis zukünftiger pädagogischer Fachkräfte

    Karber, A. (Project manager, academic) & Bobe, A. (Project staff)


    Project: Individual grant

  2. Ausbildung gemeinsam weiterdenken - BAKIP, Universität und Praxis im Dialog

    Wustmann, C. (Project manager, academic) & Karber, A. (Project staff)


    Project: Research

  3. DigiTaL - Teilprojekt 03: Dialogische & kooperative Praktiken im E-Portfolio stärken

    Karber, A. (Project manager, academic) & Paesche, M. (Project staff)


    Project: Teaching

  4. Gelingen! Gemeinsam lernen in und für inklusive(n) Bedingungen im Kindergarten.

    Karber, A. (Project manager, academic) & Wustmann, C. (Coordination)


    Project: Research


    Karber, A. (Project manager, academic), Padberg-Gehle, K. (Project manager, academic), Schmidt, T. (Project manager, academic), Süßenbach, J. (Project manager, academic), Beckmann, T. (Project staff) & Bielski-Wüsthoff, P. (Project staff)

    Ministry of Science and Culture of the State of Lower Saxony


    Project: Teaching

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